St Chrysostom’s began its Rector Search almost one year ago, when the Vestry approved a Search Committee. We are very pleased to announce the position is officially posted as of August 4 and will be open for 60 days.  We anticipate reviewing applications in October with interviews of the best candidates to follow.

We thought it might be helpful to recount where the Committee has been since our commissioning. In the Fall of 2022 the committee issued an independent Parish-wide survey (officially the Congregational Assessment Tool), adapting the survey questions to our needs, keeping it open longer than anticipated to capture a larger response, then analyzing the results. This process over-lapped with a series of small group meetings (no larger than 10-12people) that ran into 2023 and were designed to gather opinions from different segments of our Parish community. Pulling all this information together was a considerable task but the results valuable. All along we have had excellent guidance and assistance from the Reverend Sierra Reyes, our Diocesan liaison. The Search Committee has met monthly, usually over dinner, often in one another’s homes, building a strong rapport and trust. We have kept the Vestry apprised of progress and they in turn have encouraged us in our efforts.

Writing the Parish Profile was a Herculean effort. Our first draft went to the Bishop for review in June; her content revisions were most helpful as well as the suggestion that we consider professional design assistance. This latter came in the form of parishioner Alex Helfers, to whom we owe a great debt.  It’s hard to understand how many revisions, proof-readings and re-revisions a committee can produce! The Diocese approved the final draft in late July and, as previously mentioned, posted on August 4. (View the Parish Profile) The application opportunity will remain open until September 29, 2023, at which point, our work of applicant review and selection will begin.

As we continue the work we will endeavor to be better, more regular communicators. Our thanks go to all in our parish community for their patience, the thoughts and suggestions that they have passed along, and for the many prayers for this effort.

Judith Stockdale & Geoff Euston, co-chairs


List of St. Chrysostom’s Church Search Committee Members

• Liz Cramton

• Mark Fisher

• Kim Hudson

• Patty Lane

• Kevin Matzke

• Brian Quinlan

• Angie Yorath, Vestry Liaison


• Geoff Euston, Search Committee Co-chair

• Judith Stockdale, Search Committee Co-chair